1. | Evaluation of Tracheobronchial Compressions due to Cardiovascular Diseases Cansu Yılmaz Yeğit, Halise Zeynep Genç, Serap Baş, Mehmet Yazıcı, Eymen Recep, Erkut Öztürk, Alican Hatemi doi: 10.14744/cm.2024.55706 Pages 81 - 87
2. | Donor Management: Is It Always Possible to Achieve Goals to Prevent Organ Dysfunction? Pınar Küçükdemirci Kaya, Ayşegül Keten, Remzi Işçimen doi: 10.14744/cm.2025.69772 Pages 88 - 94
3. | Comparison of Maternal and Fetal Outcomes of Operative Vaginal Deliveries Using Vacuum and Forceps in a Tertiary Hospital Ali Buhur, Necdet Öncü doi: 10.14744/cm.2025.55707 Pages 95 - 100
4. | Prevalence of High-riding Vertebral Artery in Chiari Malformation Type-1 Eylem Burcu Kahraman Özlü, Ali Erhan Kayalar, Arif Tarkan Çalışaneller doi: 10.14744/cm.2025.30592 Pages 101 - 106
5. | Comparison of Placental Strain Elastography Values Between Healthy Pregnant Women and Pregnant Women with Intrauterine Growth Restriction or Preeclampsia Ekrem Ergenç, Mehmet Sait Menzilcioğlu, Türkhun Çetin, Elif Köse doi: 10.14744/cm.2025.84429 Pages 107 - 114