INTRODUCTION: The objective of this study was to determine the role of Ki67 expression level in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC).
METHODS: This is a retrospective study of patients undergoing a thyroidectomy. A total of 150 PTC or benign thyroid disease patients were retrospectively analyzed. Cytological and immunohistochemical evaluations of Ki67 were based on the material, obtained by fine-needle aspiration biopsy. Proliferative activity was immunohistochemically assessed. The obtain ki67 values were compared with the postoperative pathological findings. Other clinico- pathological factors were identified through statistical analyses.
RESULTS: There were 86 patients in the PTC group and 74 patients in the benign group (thyroid adenomas, nodular thyroid disease, and thyroiditis). One hundred and thirty-five of the patients were female and 15 were male. The median age was 48 years (range 29–74). The Ki67 expression level in the PTC group was significantly higher than benign thyroid disease group (p=0.010). The cutoff value for Ki67 in ROC analysis was determined as 31.2 (%) with a sensitivity of 67.4% and a specificity of 62.2% (area under the curve: 0.668). However, there was no significant relationship between Ki67 expression level in the PTC group and clinicopathological factors.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Ki67 may be a useful biomarker in distinguishing PTC from benign thyroid disease. Nevertheless, longer follow-up studies with large samples are needed to better determine the relationship between Ki67 and clinicopathological findings.
GİRİŞ ve AMAÇ: To determine the role of Ki67 expression level in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC).
YÖNTEM ve GEREÇLER: This is a retrospective study of patients undergoing a thyroidectomy. A total of 150 PTC or benign thyroid disease patients were retrospectively analyzed. Cytological and immunohistochemical evaluations of Ki67 were based on the material, obtained by Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy (FNAB). Proliferative activity was immunohistochemically assessed. The obtain ki67 values were compared with the postoperative pathological findings. Other clinicopathological factors were identified via statistical analyses.
BULGULAR: There were 86 patients in the PTC group and 74 patients in the benign group (thyroid adenomas, nodular thyroid disease and thyroiditis). One hundred thirty-five of the patients were female and fifteen were male. The median age was 48 years (range 29-74). The Ki67 expression level in the PTC group was significantly higher than benign thyroid disease group (p=0.010). The cut-off value for Ki67 in ROC analysis was determined as 31.2 (%) with a sensitivity of 67.4% and a specificity of 62.2% (area under the curve: 0.668). However, there was no significant relationship between Ki67 expression level in the PTC group and clinicopathological factors.
TARTIŞMA ve SONUÇ: Ki67, PTC'yi benign tiroid hastalığından ayırt etmede yararlı bir biyobelirteç olabilir. Bununla birlikte Ki67 ile klinikopatolojik bulgular arasındaki ilişkiyi daha iyi belirleyebilmek için daha geniş örneklemli daha uzun izlemli çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır.