INTRODUCTION: Volvulus results from the torsion of intestinal mesentery around itself and is most commonly seen in the sigmoid colon culminating in mechanical intestinal obstruction. We investigated the therapeutic approach to volvulus patients in our hospital in the past 25 years.
METHODS: Patients who were admitted to general surgery department for volvulus between January 01, 1995 and March 01, 2020 were included in the study. The endoscopic and surgical therapeutic approaches were noted. The patients who were discharged without surgery were followed for readmissions.
RESULTS: Fifty patients were included in the study. All patients were admitted for volvulus. Endoscopic de torsion was tried in all patients. İn five patients, endoscopic approach was unsuccessful and in three patients, necrosis was detected, and these eight patients were operated. Forty-two patients were discharged. Four patients were readmitted for recurrent volvulus. Two of these patients were operated and two were discharged after endoscopic detorsion.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Endoscopic approach is the first step treatment of choice in volvulus patients which prevents surgery.
GİRİŞ ve AMAÇ: Volvulus bağırsak mezenterinin kendi etrafında dönmesi ile oluşan en sık sigmoid kolonda görülen ve mekanik intestinal obstrüksiyona sebep olan patolojilerdir. Bu çalışmada, kliniğimize 25 yıl boyunca volvulus nedeniyle başvuran hastaların tedavi yaklaşımını inceledik.
YÖNTEM ve GEREÇLER: Florence Nightingale Hastanesi Genel Cerrahi Kliniğine 1 Ocak 1995 ile 1 Mart 2020 tarihleri arasında başvurup volvulus tanısı ile takibe alınan hastalar incelendi. Hastalara yapılan endoskopi ve ameliyatlar not edildi. Ameliyatsız taburcu edilen hastaların yeniden başvuru şikayetleri not edildi.
BULGULAR: Elli hasta çalışmaya dahil edildi. Hastaların tümünde sigmoid volvulus izlendi. Tüm hastalara endoskopik detorsiyon denendi. Beş hastada başarısız olunması, üç hastada ise nekroz görülmesi nedeniyle operasyon planlandı. Kırk iki hasta taburcu edildi. Dört hasta volvulus nedeniyle yeniden başvurdu. İkisi opere edilirken ikisi yeniden endoskopik detorsiyonla taburcu edildi.
TARTIŞMA ve SONUÇ: Volvulus tedavisinde endoskopi ilk basamak tedavi olup hastaları operasyondan korumaktadır.