E-ISSN: 2822-6771
Volume : 2 Issue : 3 Year : 2025
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Volume: 2  Issue: 3 - 2010
1. A Closer Look At Kawasaki Disease
Nuray Aktay Ayaz, Gönül Aydoğan
Pages 101 - 106
Kawasaki disease is taking the place of acute rheumatic fever as the leading cause of acquired heart disease in developed countries and it affects the coronary arteries and the other small-medium sized arteries. Coronary ectasia and aneurysm are seen in 15-25% of the cases, but the percentage declined with intraveneous immunoglobulin treatment by ¼. Its etiology has not been obvious now but, the knowledge about the pathology of coronary vessels and myocardium and probable complications are increasing continiously. Studies about the genetic tendencies and the infectious etiologies are ongoing. By the help of these studies the approach to the patient and follow-up might change in the future.

2. Demographic distribution of all neonates born in our unit in a year, mortality and morbidity results
Sultan Kavuncuoğlu, Emel Altuncu, Mehmet Gökhan Ramoğlu, Esin Aldemir, Mehmet Kesikminare, Diğdem Bezen, Sibel Özbek
Pages 106 - 115
OBJECTIVE: We evaluated prospectively all neonates born in a year according to their demographic properties, birthweight and their distribution according to their intrauterine growth properties, and search for important mortalities and morbidities including postnatal problems, hospitalization reasons-ratios, congenital anomalies, early infection and respiratory problems.
METHODS: All live births in our hospital between 01.01.2004-31.12.2004 were evaluated prospectively. Besides demographic properties, properties of mortality and morbidity were also evaluated. Term and preterm babies were compared in means of these properties.
RESULTS: Between 01.01.2004 -31.12.2004, from 20797 births, 20870 alive and 364 stillbirths were born. 9% of those 20807 births were low birthweight, 5.4% was preterm and 6.3% were small for gestational age. During their stay in maternity and follow up after birth, 18% of the newborns were examined for different reasons; 13% of term and 97% of preterms needed further examination and/or treatment. 72% of preterms and 4% of term newborns were hospitalized. In preterm newborns, early rupture of membranes, hipoglycemia and respiratory distress were most diagnosed apart from LBW and prematurity. Term babies were mostly diagnosed with LBW, respiratory distress, hypoglycemia and congenital anomalies. Early sepsis rate was 0.4% of all births and 5% of those hospitalized. Congenital anomaly rate was 4.7% in all births. 0.44% of all newborns were lost during follow up.
CONCLUSION: Most important indications for hospitalization in both term and preterm newborns were respiratory problems. Early sepsis rate for our unit was 0.4% and 5% for those hospitalized. Rate for congenital anomalies was 4.7%, similar to developed centers.

3. The Clinical Manifestation and Laboratory Finding of Henöch Schönlein Purpura Children which Kidney Involvement
Alev Yavuz Yılmaz, Erkut Öztürk, Neslihan Kıplapınar, Keziban Bulan, Aysel Kıyak, Nuray Aktay Ayaz, Nur Canpolat, Gönül Aydoğan
Pages 115 - 122
OBJECTIVE: Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP) is one of the most common vasculitis syndromes in childhood. In this study, clinical and laboratory features with the results of treatment in 69 children of Henoch-Schönlein purpura with renal involvement, are presented
METHODS: In thıs study;we aimed to show the form and the degree of the kıdney ınvolvement ın HSP cases with laboratory and clinical fındings prospectively.For this aim;in all cases hemoglobin, level leucocyte, platelet,count urine analysis, ESR, serum C3 level and occult blood in stool were analyzed.The degree of kıdney ınvolvement, the treatment ways and the present fındıngs of the cases were compared.
RESULTS: 37 of all cases were male,32 of the cases were female and the average age was 7,9±2,7. In all of the skin involvement were observed which wass followed by the joint involvement with the 75 % and gastrointestinal system involvement with 52 % in the 23,2 % isolated microscopic hematuria, 33,3 % hematuria and/or minimal proteinuri,10,1 % acut nephritic syndrome, 15,9 % nephrotic syndrome and the 17,4 % nephritic-nephrotic syndrome were observed. There was anemia in 19 of the cases, leukocytosis in 28 of the cases and elevated sedimentation rate in 43 of the cases. One of the patients progressed to end stage renal failure.
CONCLUSION: There was no specific laboratory finding belong to HSP and also was no meaningful correlation between the degree of the kidney involvement and the laboratory fındings.

4. Analysıs Of Ovarıan Tumor Patıents Managed In Our Clınıc
Kadir Güzin, Gökhan Göynümer, Fatih Adanacıoğlu, Ayşe Yiğit, Akın Usta, Gazi Yıldız, Erdem Özerden
Pages 132 - 138
OBJECTIVE: Ovarian cancer is the most fatal gynecologic cancer, and prognosis of it is not only dependent upon the stage and histologic grade but also on the removal of the tumoral bulk maximally. At the Gynecologic Oncology Department of Ministry of Health Goztepe Educational Hospital, 01.09.2001-01.05.2007 we had 294 genital neoplasia patients, 132 (%44.89) of whom were with ovarian cancer, an treatment and follow-up of these ovarian cancer patients were evaluated.
METHODS: All patients had necessary preoperative laboratory examinations such as CBC, blood biochemistry, Ca-125 etc.,and preoperative staging is done by physical examination, chest x-ray, barium enema, IVP, transvaginal ultrasonography and MRI as necessary. Cytologic examination of ascites or peritoneal washings and biopsy from 4 quadrants and necessary surgery were performed on every patient. Patients were classified according to operations performed, histopathologic findings and FIGO staging system. Adjuvant chemotherapy were administered as necessary.
RESULTS: Patients mean age was 48.1 (range 18-75), mean gravidity was 6.1 (0-20), mean Ca-125 value was 235 (3.5 -749) U/ML. Of 132 patients, 72 (% 63.63) had debulking + TAH + BSO + omentectomy + appendectomy, 12 (%9.09) had extirpation of the mass + TAH + BSO, 24 (%18.18) had laparotomy + peritoneal and omental biopsy and 12(%9.09) had oophorectomy + wedge resection.
CONCLUSION: Ovarian cancer had the first place with a % 44.89 prevalence among all genital neoplasia cases. Serous adenocarcinoma was the most common histologic type in our series in accordance with the literature. We observed that as Ca 125 increased, the peritoneal involvement had also increased.