1. | Universal Blood Products Berksan Şimşek, İsmail Yaşar Avcı doi: 10.5222/iksst.2018.001 Pages 1 - 6 Blood, in the past by the leaders of the period is thought to give them youth and extend their lifespan but in the present it is needed circumstances like natural disasters and wars that affected communities massively also for surgery and chronic diseases and it is a liquid which’s source is only human. Fundamental rules of blood transfusion was revealed by the definition of ABO blood group antigens and antibodies. According to these facts, researchers have attempted to develop universal blood products especially to prevent ABO incompatible transfusions and to facilitate the supply-borne applications in cases requiring intensive transfusion. In a classical sense the term universal blood product refers to group O Rh(D) negative erythrocytes and group AB plasma and these products can be obtained from a limited number of donors. The term universal blood products refers to removal or masking of antigens and antibodies from blood taken each group of donors or production of blood products without antigens in the laboratory. In this context, there are various studies on universal erythrocyte suspensions, universal plasma, universal platelet suspensions and oxygen carriers. The production of such products will also have considerable contributions in preventing transmission of infectious agents by transfusion. The goal for near future is to use these universal blood products, however the financial and technical obstacles encountered in the development of these products indicate that widespread use of these products will take some time. |
2. | Retrospective Analysis of Patients Bonzai Toxicity in İntensive Care Unit Sezen Kumaş Solak, Aslı Yılmaz Vural, Serdar Demirgan, Pınar Ceylan, Ömer Karaca, Çiğdem Atan, Mustafa Ferhat Çolak, Emine Yurdakul Ertürk, Sevgi Kazi doi: 10.5222/iksst.2018.007 Pages 7 - 11 INTRODUCTION: Intoxicated cases by synthetic cannabinoid (SK) products named '' Bonzai '' or '' Jamaica '' in Turkey are very important problems that must be treated in ICU. In our study we aimed to discuss the clinical courses and results of patients who diagnosed with syntetic cannabinoid intoxication treated in ICU. METHODS: 19 patients (16 men,3 women) were followed and treated in ICU of Ordu State Hospital between 2014 and 2017. Their files were scanned retrospectively. RESULTS: Their drug usage were confirmed by their relatives and friends or by themselves. These patients average age was 20.1 and most of them were male. In SK intoxicated patients we found mostly agitation, tachycardia,leukocytosis, high liver enzyme tests.In addition visual and auditory hallucinations, drowsiness and coma were determined. 18 patients were discharged from the ICU and 1 patient died. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: SK intoxication has no specific treatment, usually it is symptomatic and for complications. Novadays narcotic trade has become wide variety. So new psychoactive drugs are appeared.That's why, SK usage must be considered as differential diagnosis in intoxicated patients who bring to emergency room, and their symptomatic treatment must be started early. |
3. | Late termination of pregnancy due to fetal abnormalities: An analysis of 229 cases Ahmet Tayyar, Deniz Kanber Acar, Uğur Turhan, Zeynep Gedik Özköse, Ali Ekiz, Alper Gezdirici, Elif Yılmaz Güleç, İbrahim Polat doi: 10.5222/iksst.2018.023 Pages 12 - 17 INTRODUCTION: To evaluate the indications of termination of pregnancy for fetal abnormality beyond 23 weeks of gestation. METHODS: Singleton pregnancies ending in termination of pregnancy due to fetal abnormalities in our institute between 1/2015 and 9/2017 were retrospectively reviewed and indications of late termination (≥ 23 weeks of gestation) were evaluated. RESULTS: There were 714 cases of termination of pregnancy due to fetal anomalies in our center during the study period, and 229 (32.1%) terminations were carried out beyond 23 weeks of gestation. Termination of pregnancy was performed at a mean gestational age of 27.03 ± 3.24 weeks. The majority of terminations were performed because of structural defects (77.7%) and 45.4 % of them involved the central nervous system. Genetic indications included mostly chromosomal diseases detected in 19.2% of the late terminations. There were no terminations due to abdominal wall defects, gastrointestinal system, face and neck pathologies. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The most common indications for late termination of pregnancy were structural abnormalities in our centre. Late termination of pregnancy may be avoided in some cases by improving the effectiveness of prenatal screening. |
4. | Thiol/disulfide homeostasis as a novel inflammatory marker in vitiligo Pelin Üstüner doi: 10.5222/iksst.2018.012 Pages 18 - 24 INTRODUCTION: As a marker of total oxidant status the levels of thiol and disulphide have been shown to be increased in inflammatory diseases. In this study, we aimed to investigate the increment of the blood levels of thiol and disulphide or the ratios of thiol/disulphide and to define their usabilitiy as a new prognostic inflammatory marker in vitiligo patients. METHODS: The levels of native thiol, total thiol and disulphide were investigated in 30 vitiligo patients with a clinically proved diagnosis and 30 healthy controls. The ratios of native/total thiol, disulphide/native thiol and disulphide/total thiol were compared in two groups. The correlation between these measurements and Vitiligo Area and Severity Index values was also examined in vitiligo patients. RESULTS: In vitiligo patients the total thiol level was although not statistically significant but remarkably (p=0.085) higher, the disulphide levels were significantly higher (p=0.047) compared to the control group; however, the native thiol levels were similar. Moreover, the ratios of disulphide/native thiol (p=0.049); and disulphide/total thiol (p=0.049) were found to be higher in vitiligo patients comparative to the control group. A significant correlation was observed in between Vitiligo Area and ve Severity Index values and total thiol (p=0.017) and disulphide (p=0.042). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The increase in the blood levels of disulphide and disulphide/native thiol, disulphide/total thiol that shows the imbalance of thiol/disulphide homeostasis as a result of the oxidative stress and tissue inflammation were significant. Besides, the disulphide and total thiol levels had shown a positive correlation with the severity of vitiligo. |
5. | The Effect of Single-Layer or Double-Layer Closure of the Uterine Incision at Cesarean Section on Uterine Scar Formation Firdevs Şekerci Baran, Muhittin Eftal Avcı, Ahmet Yiğit Çakıroğlu, Aydın Çorakçı doi: 10.5222/iksst.2018.029 Pages 25 - 31 INTRODUCTION: We aimed to compare scar thickness as measured with TVUSG at 48th hours and 6th months in single and double layer suture techniques and intended to enlighten the complications such as uterine rupture, cesarean scar pregnancy, placental abnormalities, infertility and postmenstrual drip style bleeding in further pregnancies. METHODS: Our patients aredivided into 2 groups as Group 1 (n = 27) who received single-layer suture and Group 2 (n = 46) who received double-layer suture. The characteristics of the patients were investigated in four main groups. Mean follow-up was taken as 180 days. RESULTS: In both groups; age, gravidity, parity, abortion, education, BMI, mean duration of sun exposure were similar. In patients such variables like smoking, anemia, iron and multivitamin supplements, the presence of vitamin D levels and pregnancy-existing illnesses were not found to effect the 6-month scar thickness (p>0.05). In Group 2, the thickness of the scar was 7.5 ± 2.2 at 48th hours, and 6.9 ± 2,0 at 6th months. In group 1, concurrent measures were 5,4±1,5 and 8,1±1,5 respectively (p<0.05). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: As a result this study shows that cesarean scar thickness can vary according to the surgical technique. In Group 2 we confirmed that 6th months scar thickness is thinner as measured with TVUSG. Further studies are needed to understand scar thickness is affected by what level of maternal and fetal reasons. Constant follow-ups should have benefits for complications in double layer sutured group which has thinner scar thickness at 6th month for further pregnancies. |
6. | The experience of our clinic in clinical approach to the adnexal masses and pathological findings Hacer Uyanıkoğlu, Sibel Sak, Ahmet Berkiz Turp, Adnan Incebıyık, Neşe Hilali, Muhammet Erdal Sak doi: 10.5222/iksst.2018.019 Pages 32 - 35 INTRODUCTION: Retrospective evaluation of clinical approach of benign adnexal masses in our clinic. METHODS: Between January 2015 and September 2016, 125 patients admitted to our gynecology department due to an adnexial mass were retrospectively studied. 91 patients (72.8%) whose malignancy risk excluded in their preoperative examinations [ultrasonography (USG), tumor markers, and pelvic examination] had been operated. The demographic characteristics, operation types, complications, duration of hospital stay and histopathology results of these patients were evaluated. RESULTS: Mean age of the patients was 33.2 ± 13.1 years. The mean gravida and parity were 3.1 ± 3.1 and 2.7 ± 2.3, respectively. Hospitalization time was meanly 3.5 ± 2.5 days. The mean serum CA-125 level was 29.1 ± 4.6 U/mL. The most common reasons for referral to hospital were pelvic pain (80.8%), rutine control (12.8%), vaginal bleeding (4 %), and infertility (2.4%). The cysts were seen generally as 5-10 cm in size (46,4%) and commonly located in right adnexa (51,2%). Thirty patients (32%) had underwent a laparoscopic intervention and 61 (68%) patients had underwent laparotomy due to adnexal mass. Cystectomy was performed in 55 patients (60.4%), salpingo-oophorectomy in 24 (26.4%), hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy in 6 (6.6%), and paratubal cyst excision in 5 patients (5.5%). None of the patients had any malignancy as a result of definitive histopathology. In the histopathology results of the materials; the most common simple ovarian cysts (33%) were followed by mature cystic teratomas (18.7%), endometriomas (16.5%), and hemorrhagic cyts (12.1%) respectively. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Some factors, such as benign-malign differentiation, pregnancy status, age of the patient, and history of previous surgery were found to be effective in planning treatment with LS or laparotomy in patients with adnexal mass in our clinic. |
7. | Imaging of the anatomic variations and dangerous areas of the paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity in pediatric patients Figen Palabiyik doi: 10.5222/iksst.2018.035 Pages 36 - 42 INTRODUCTION: Chronic sinusitis is an increasing disease in the pediatric age group. The anatomical variations and the presence of dangerous regions in the developmental process of paranasal sinusus and nasal cavity play an important role in decision on functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) in children. Therefore, computed tomography (CT) examination of paranasal sinuses is necessary for anatomic evaluation prior to FESS. The aim of this study is to radiologically evaluate various anatomical variations and risky regions in pediatric age group given with their incidence, and compare with adult cases, accompanied with literature. METHODS: Paranasal sinus CT examinations of 267 pediatric patients (137 male, 130 female) aged 3-15 years who did not respond to medical treatment and had chronic sinusitis symptoms were evaluated retrospectively in terms of anatomical variations of paranasal sinuses and nasal cavities and dangerous areas. RESULTS: The most frequent anatomical variations were septal deviation and concha bullosa, An increased depth of lamina cribrosa and nasal septum pneumatization was detected in the dangerous areas. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: FESS due to anatomical variations is rarely performed in selected cases of childhood chronic sinusitis. Preoperative evaluation of anatomic variations and dangerous areas may result in surgical outcomes and decreased complications. |