1. | Patient Blood Management Yasemin Heper doi: 10.5222/iksst.2018.82787 Pages 87 - 94
2. | Comparison of anthropometric and biochemical parameters in obese children with or without primary headache Onur Akın, Mutluay Arslan doi: 10.5222/iksst.2018.72621 Pages 95 - 99
3. | The Relationship Between Congenital Hypothyroidism and Neonatal Sepsis in Premature Infants Mehmet Büyüktiryaki, Ufuk Çakır, Cüneyt Tayman, Erbu Yarcı doi: 10.5222/iksst.2018.77487 Pages 100 - 105
4. | Is house dust mite spesific sublingual immunotherapy successful in termination of inhaled corticosteroid treatment in children with asthma? Elif Erolu Günay, Elif Karakoç Aydıner, Safa Barış, Nerin Bahçeciler, Cevdet Özdemir doi: 10.5222/iksst.2018.57070 Pages 106 - 112
5. | Retrospective Evaluation of the Primary Etiologies of AA Amyloidosis Ali Bakan, Alihan Oral, Sabahat Alışır Ecder, Abdullah Özkök, Ömer Celal Elçioğlu, Güşah Şaşak Kuzgun, Kübra Aydın Bahat, Ali Rıza Odabaş doi: 10.5222/iksst.2018.43954 Pages 113 - 116
6. | 200 Cases of Endoscopic Pituitary Surgery; A Retrospective Study Osman Tanrıverdi, Ömür Günaldı, Buruç Erkan, Ahmet Akbaş, Hüseyin Utku Adilay, Sema Çiftçi Doganşen doi: 10.5222/iksst.2018.98704 Pages 117 - 121
7. | Retrospective Evaluation of Patients Underwent Tube Thoracostomy at the Emergency Department: One Year Analysis Serkan Dogan, Utku Murat Kalafat doi: 10.5222/iksst.2018.03016 Pages 122 - 127
8. | Retrospektif Analysis of Children Diagnosed with External Auditory Canal Foreign Bodies in Kanuni Sultan Suleyman Training and Research Hospital Otolaryngolgy Clinic: Evalation of 93 Cases Taliye Çakabay, Murat Koçyiğit doi: 10.5222/iksst.2018.22605 Pages 128 - 131
9. | Analysis of Emergency Service Admissions in Patients with Oral Anticoagulant Usage Utku Murat Kalafat, Serkan Dogan doi: 10.5222/iksst.2018.29290 Pages 132 - 137
10. | Retrospective Analysis of ARDS Patients Followed in One Year in Our Intensive Care Unit According to Berlin Criteria Ayça Sultan Şahin, Abdurrahim Derbent, Ziya Salihoğlu doi: 10.5222/iksst.2018.63825 Pages 138 - 142
11. | Effect of diastolic heart dysfunction due to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy on choroidal thickness Sadık Etka Bayramoğlu, Sinem Özbay, Nihat Sayın doi: 10.5222/iksst.2018.65982 Pages 143 - 148
12. | The effect of dry needle treatment on sleep in fibromyalgia Müge Kepekçi, İlteriş Ahmet Şentürk, İlker Geçmen, Berna Ürkmez, Özgür Taşpınar, Uğur Arslan, Hatice Melek Başar doi: 10.5222/iksst.2018.74745 Pages 149 - 154
13. | The Effect of Magnesium Intubation on Obesity and Preeclamptic Caesarean Patients Gökhan Kına, Ayça Sultan Şahin, Abdurrahim Derbent, Ziya Salihoğlu doi: 10.5222/iksst.2018.86094 Pages 155 - 159