E-ISSN: 2822-6771
Volume : 12 Issue : 1 Year : 2025
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Volume: 12  Issue: 1 - 2020
1. Cover

Page I

2. Contents

Pages II - VII

3. Introduction


4. From the Editor

Page IX

5. Is There a Relationship Between Joint Hypermobility and Lumbar Disc Degeneration and Also Low Back Pain? A Multidisciplinary Clinical Study
Neşe Keser, Esin Derin Çiçek, Arzu Atıcı, Pınar Akpınar, Özge Gülsüm İlleez, Ahmet Eren Seçen
doi: 10.5222/iksstd.2020.94830  Pages 1 - 6

6. The Surgical Strategy for Eosinophilic Granuloma of the Pediatric Cervical Spine
Melih Üçer, Şevki Serhat Baydın, Ahmet Levent Aydın
doi: 10.5222/iksstd.2019.53386  Pages 7 - 12

7. Quality of Life in Women Diagnosed With Infertility
Neslihan Yaylagülü Okuducu, Hatice Yorulmaz
doi: 10.5222/iksstd.2020.76093  Pages 13 - 20

8. Diagnostic Value of Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Emergency Department
Rabia Birsen Tapkan, Büşra Bildik, Ayse Fethiye Basa Kalafat, Serkan Doğan, Utku Murat Kalafat, Melis Dorter, Ramiz Yazıcı, Başar Cander
doi: 10.5222/iksstd.2020.83435  Pages 21 - 27

9. Vitamin D Levels in Patients with Unexplained Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Cihan Karadağ, Selçuk Ayas, Sinem Demircan Karadağ
doi: 10.5222/iksstd.2020.30301  Pages 28 - 33

10. Fetal Bronchopulmonary Malformations: Prenatal Diagnosis and Perinatal Outcomes
Başak Kaya, Deniz Kanber Açar, Salim Sezer, Ahmet Tayyar, İbrahim Polat
doi: 10.5222/iksstd.2020.54872  Pages 34 - 38

11. Imaging Findings and Long-Term Treatment Outcomes in Coats’ Disease
Beril Tülü Aygün, Gökhan Demir, Ali Demircan, Dilek Yaşa, Aslı Kırmacı, Zeynep Alkın
doi: 10.5222/iksstd.2020.74936  Pages 39 - 45

12. Our Surgical Treatment Results in Adult Tethered Cord Syndrome: An Experience of 9 Cases
Emre Delen, Ahmet Tolgay Akıncı, Osman Şimşek
doi: 10.5222/iksstd.2020.13007  Pages 46 - 51

13. Tularemia in Diyarbakır Province and its Surroundings: A Rarely Known Disease
Hasan Bozdağ, Tuncer Özekinci
doi: 10.5222/iksstd.2020.48243  Pages 52 - 56

14. The Role of Dynamic CT in The Differential Diagnosis of Renal Mass and Determination of the Renal Cell Carcinoma Subtype
Ayşegül Akdoğan Gemici, Ercan İnci
doi: 10.5222/iksstd.2020.65487  Pages 57 - 62

15. Assessment of the Polypoid Lesions Deteced in Upper Gastrointestinal System Endoscopies
Onur Olgaç Karagülle, Erkan Yavuz
doi: 10.5222/iksstd.2020.38981  Pages 63 - 68

16. Age and Gender-Related Changes in Radiological Findings of Lumbar Disc Hernia Detected by Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Mehmet Öncü, Fatih Mete
doi: 10.5222/iksstd.2020.62634  Pages 69 - 76

17. Isolation of Mycobacterium Species Using Simple Media Prepared From Lower Respiratory Tract Samples and Analysis of Cost/Effectiveness
Özgür Yanılmaz, Güner Söyletir
doi: 10.5222/iksstd.2020.25238  Pages 77 - 81

18. Two Cases Who were Admitted to the Ophthalmology Outpatient Clinic with A Complaint of Blurred Vision and Diagnosed with Stroke
Dilbade Yıldız Ekinci, Sadık Etka Bayramoğlu, Nihat Sayın, Mehmet Erdoğan, Zuhal Bayramoğlu, Nevroz Ünlü
doi: 10.5222/iksstd.2019.88942  Pages 82 - 86

19. Giant Adrenal Myelolipoma Occurring in the Post-Pregnancy Period
Emine Sümeyye Atalay, Hakan Erpek, Mustafa Gök, Nuket Özkavruk Eliyatkin
doi: 10.5222/iksstd.2020.93723  Pages 87 - 90

20. Effective Treatment of Hepatotoxicity due to Mushroom Poisining with Therapeutic Plasma Exchange
Nihal Akçay, Ülkem Koçoğlu Barlas, Kübra Boydağ Güvenç, Güner Özçelik, Esra Şevketoğlu
doi: 10.5222/iksstd.2020.59023  Pages 91 - 92
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