1. | Ototoxic Drugs and Their Effect to Inner Ear Murat Kocyigit doi: 10.5222/iksst.2017.091 Pages 91 - 95
2. | Evaluation of Ki-67 Expression in Cases of Hydatidiform Mole and Hydropic Abortion Rabia Altunbaş, Hacer Uyanıkoglu, Muhammet Emin Güldür, Adnan Incebıyık doi: 10.5222/iksst.2017.096 Pages 96 - 100
3. | Evaluation Of P16, P27, Cycline D1, Bcl-2 Expressions In Uterine Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia and Skuamous Cell Carcinoma Bülent Aral, Selver Özekinci, Özben Yalçın doi: 10.5222/iksst.2017.101 Pages 101 - 106
4. | Results And Experience Of Superficial Parotidectomy In Our Clinic: Three Year Analysis Murat Koçyiğit, Safiye Giran Örtekin doi: 10.5222/iksst.2017.107 Pages 107 - 113
5. | Retrospective Analysis of Patients Diagnosed with Otitis Clinically in Our Clinic Murat Koçyiğit, Safiye Giran Örtekin doi: 10.5222/iksst.2017.114 Pages 114 - 120
6. | Neurodevelopmental and Somatic Growth Outcomes of Premature IUGR Newborns with Absent or Reversed End-diastolic Flow on Umblical Artery Doppler Öznur Serdaroğlu, Esin Yıldız Aldemir, Sultan Kavuncuoğlu, İbrahim Mert Erbaş, Ali Gedikbaşı doi: 10.5222/iksst.2017.121 Pages 121 - 128
7. | When Should We Suspect From Stroke In Children And What Should We Do? Selcen Yaroğlu Kazancı, Emine Ergül Sarı, Sami Hatipoğlu, Lida Bülbül doi: 10.5222/iksst.2017.129 Pages 129 - 134