1. | Infectious Agents Transmitted by Blood and Blood Component and Impacts of Nükleik Asit Amplifikasyon Test (NAT) Ümit Savaşçı, İsmail Yaşar Avcı doi: 10.5222/iksst.2016.125 Pages 125 - 134 Especially viral hepatitis viruses and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) which were transmitted by the transfusion of blood and blood products have been an important public health problem for a long time on the world. Transfusion of blood and blood products is an ideal and an easiest and a simplest route for transmission of infectious diseases. It is known that many infectious agents, either bacterial, viral, parasitic and fungal agents may be transmitted by the transfusion of blood and blood products. Nükleik Asit Amplifikasyon Test (NAT) provides additional layer of safety to the blood supply because it allows the detection of infectious agents during their incubation period. |
2. | The Comparison of the Strabismus Cases Who Underwent Conventional Recession Surgery with the Cases Who Underwent Hang-Back Recession Hüseyin Gürsoy, Mustafa Deger Bilgec, Kubra Kucukiba, Ertugrul Colak doi: 10.5222/iksst.2016.135 Pages 135 - 141 INTRODUCTION: Retrospective evaluation of the cases who underwent conventional strabismus surgery and the cases who underwent hang-back surgery. METHODS: The patients who were diagnosed with horizontal strabismus and underwent surgery between April 2014 and June 2015 were retrospectively evaluated. Group 1 included cases that we applied conventional strabismus surgery, and Group 2 included cases that we applied hang-back recession. In Group 2, extraocular muscle was not sutured directly to the sclera. The muscle was hanged back after the sutures were passed through the insertion site of the muscle. Two groups were compared regarding all variables and success rates. RESULTS: Five esotropia and fifteen exotropia cases with a mean age 16.1±14.3 years formed Group 1. Fourteen esotropia and six exotropia cases with a mean age of 14.8±15.3 years formed Group 2. The mean preoperative angle of deviations were 41.0±11.2 (25-65) PD in Group 1, and 47.8±10.9 (30-70) PD (prism dioptry) in Group 2 (p=0.04), respectively. Ortophoria was obtained in 80% of the cases in Group 1, while this ratio was 75% in Group 2 (p=1). The success rate for esotropia was 80% in Group 1, and 79% in Group 2 (p=1). The success rate for exotropia was 80% in Group 1, and 67% in Group 2 (p=0.598). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Hang-back technique may be an alternative to conventional strabismus surgery. However, success rate especially in exotropias should be evaluated with other studies. |
3. | Effects of Immune-Modulating Enteral Nutrition and Blood Transfusion in Experimental Colonic Anastomosis in Rats Azamet Cezik, Yasin Kara, İnanç Şamil Sarıcı, Mustafa Uygar Kalaycı doi: 10.5222/iksst.2016.142 Pages 142 - 148 INTRODUCTION: There are few studies in literature evaluating and comparing the effects of immunonutritional support and blood transfusions on colonic anastomotic healing. We aimed to comparatively investigated the effects of blood transfusions and early pre- and postoperative enteral immunonutrition on the experimental colonic anastamosis in rats. METHODS: The study included 40 female inbred Dawley rats divided in 4 groups. Group 1 control group, anastomosis was done and the rats were fed ad libitum; Group 2 anastomosis was done, the rats were fed ad libitum and blood transfusion was delivered; Group 3 anastomosis was done immunoenteral nutrition was given; Group 4 anastamosis was done, immunoenteral nutrition was given and blood transfusion was delivered. Rats were sacrified on postoperative 7 days after the first laparotomy procedure. Macroscopic findings within the abdominal cavity, and anastamosis region were recorded. Anastomotic bursting pressures were measured, and expressed in mm Hg, and tissue hydroxyproline levels were indicated in μmol/L. RESULTS: Anastomotic bursting pressure was statistically significantly higher in Group 1 than in Group 2 (p<0.01), and it was statistically significantly higher in Group 3 than in Group 2 (p<0.01). Any statistically significant difference was not found between Groups 1 and 4 in terms of anastomotic bursting pressure, macroscopic adherence, and hydroxyproline levels (p>0.05). Also there was no statistically significant difference among all groups in terms of macroscopic adherence and tissue hydroxyproline levels (p>0.05). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Pre- and postoperative immunoenteral nutrition may have correcting effects upon negative effects of blood transfusions on anastomotic healing process. |
4. | Diagnostic Value of Bronchial Lavage in Patients with Endobronchial Lesion Serap Argun Barış, Esra Kuşlu Uçar, Tuğba Önyılmaz, Gonca Doğru, Haşim Boyacı, Kürşat Yıldız, Sevgiye Kaçar Özkara, İlknur Başyiğit, Füsun Yıldız doi: 10.5222/iksst.2016.149 Pages 149 - 153 INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to evaluate the utility of bronchial lavage in the diagnosis of patients with endobronchial lesion on bronchoscopy performed upon suspicion of malignancy. METHODS: Data of 1836 patients who underwent fiberoptic bronchoscopy were retrospectively analyzed. A total of 403 patients with initial diagnosis of malignancy who underwent mucosal biopsy, and emdobronchial lavage procedures upon detection of endobronchial lesions were included in the study. RESULTS: Study population consisted of 48 (11.9%) female and 355 (88.1%) male patients with a mean age of 62.8±10.6 years. Diagnosis of malignancy was definitively confirmed in 355 (88,1%) of the 403 patient who had endobronchial lesions. Both bronchial biopsy and lavage were positive for malignancy in 110 of the patients; biopsy, and bronchial lavage had diagnostic value in 212, and 6 cases, respectively. Four of these 6 cases with positive bronchial lavage findings adenocarcinoma was detected. The results of biopsy and lavage were negative in 75 of these patients. The malignancy was confirmed with different diagnostic methods in 27 of these 75 patients; however 48 of them had non-malignant diseases (tuberculosis, n=12; sarcoidosis, n=6; granulomatous inflammation, n=7 and diagnosis of malignancy was not confirmed in the rest of the patients). The sensitivity and negative predictive values of the bronchial lavage, and biopsy were 32.7% vs 16.7% and 90.7% vs 59.3%, respectively DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: It has been suggested that despite relatively low sensitivity of bronchial lavage, it might have additional diagnostic value confirming malignancy in patients with endobronchial lesions in biopsy negative cases. |
5. | Predictive Factors for Pregnancy in Unexplained Infertility Following Ovulation Induction with Gonadotropins and Intrauterine Insemination Nadiye Köroğlu, Gonca Yetkin Yıldırım, Lale Türkgeldi, İbrahim Polat doi: 10.5222/iksst.2016.154 Pages 154 - 158 INTRODUCTION: Per cycle pregnancy rate is 8.7-11.4% for ovulation induction (OI) with gonadotropins and intrauterine insemination (IUI) in unexplained infertility. The aim of our study was to detect differences in clinical and laboratory parameters affecting positive pregnancy outcomes between fertile and infertile couples following ovulation induction with gonadotropins and intrauterine insemination. METHODS: A total of 302 cases who had undergone a total of 582 ovulation induction cycles with gonatotropins and IUI in Infertility Department of Kanuni Sultan Suleyman Training and Research Hospital between June 2010 and June 2015 were analyzed retrospectively. RESULTS: Seventy-five of 302 patients became pregnant during administration of 582 OI and IUI cycles, for a clinical pregnancy rate/couple and clinical pregnancy rate/cycle, 12.8% and 24.8% respectively. Variables such as ages of female, and, male participants, body mass index (BMI), basal FSH, endometrial thickness at the day of hCG treatment, number of follicles of >15 mm), total progressive motile sperm counts (TPMSC), progesterone levels following IUI were assessed using univariate analysis, and postwash TPMSC (p=0,043), number of follicles of >15 mm and progesterone levels following IUI (p=0,0001) were found to be factors effective on pregnancy outcomes. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: TPMSC of >10 million/ml, and high midluteal progesterone levels following IUI were found to be statistically significant predictors of pregnancy in cases with unexplained infertility. Bearing in mind that the female age is also a major prognostic factor to predict pregnancy outcome, the most appropriate empiric treatment should be selected for couples with unexplained infertility. |
6. | Open Abdominal Procedures in Gynecological and Obstetrical Complications: Single Surgeon and Single Center Suat Can Ulukent doi: 10.5222/iksst.2016.159 Pages 159 - 166 INTRODUCTION: In recent years, open abdominal procedures are life-saving alternatives in interventions widely performed for injury control or intraabdominal infection in critically ill patients. Open abdominal procedures are commonly used in general surgery in patients with trauma or abdominal sepsis; they are life saving procedures with correct indications in other specialties operating in the abdomen, including clinics of gynecology, urology, cardiovascular surgery. For these reasons, we have retrospectively presented indications, complications, the morbidity and mortality rates of open abdominal procedures performed in the Obstetrics and Gynecology clinics of our hospital. METHODS: Twenty-two patients who had been priorly operated in the Obstetrics and Gynecology clinics of the Kanuni Sultan Suleyman Training and Research Hospital and then undergone, open abdominal procedures between January 2013 and May 2016 were included in the study. All these patients were treated with a vacuum assisted closure system. Demographic data, indications for the primary operations, fascial closure and morbidity/mortality rates of these patients were evaluated. RESULTS: Twenty-two cases underwent open abdominal procedures with the indications of sepsis (n=22), and non-septic (n=6) entities In 64% of the patients the anterior abdominal fascia was totally closed. Following open abdominal procedures, 6 (27%) cases local or systemic complicationswere observed. Six patients (27%) suffered from postoperative anxiety disorder which required treatment. No mortality was observed due to this procedure. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The patients we treated with open abdomen had lower morbidity and mortality and high complete fascial closure rates when compared to cases reported in the current literature. We conclude that treatment and follow-up by a single surgeon deserve the greatest merit for these successful results. |
7. | Torsion of a Left Atrophic Ectopic Testis Hüseyin Koçan, Şiir Yıldırım, Mehmet Yazıcı, Enver Özdemir, Mehmet Nuri Güneş, Erçin Altıok, Erhan Erdoğan doi: 10.5222/iksst.2016.167 Pages 167 - 169 Although the most common genital anomaly seen in childhood is undescended testicle, ectopic testis is quiet rare. The main purpose in the treatment of these patients is to eliminate the damage associated with thermal effects, the exposure to further trauma, the susceptibility to infertility and the psychological impact on the patient of undescended testicle. |
8. | A Case of Congenital Hypofibrinogenemia who Developed Massive Subdural Hematoma Due to Minor Head Trauma Osman Yeşilbaş, Hasan Serdar Kıhtır, Hamdi Murat Yıldırım, Müge Üstkaya Sungur, Burcu Bursal Duramaz, Esra Şevketoğlu doi: 10.5222/iksst.2016.170 Pages 170 - 173 Congenital hypofibrinogenemia is a quiet rarely seen inherited coagulopathy. As it can be asymptomatic for a long time, it can cause life-threatening intracranial bleedings. We are presenting a seven-month-old girl with the established diagnosis of congenital hypofibrinogenemia who was referred with massive subdural hematoma developed after minor head trauma, because rarity of this condition which should be consiered in the diagnosis of the cases with severe bleeding after minor trauma |
9. | Dangerous Toys of Children: A Case of an Injury with an Air Gun Bahattin Aydoğdu, Mehmet Özgür Kuzdan, Süleyman Çelebi, Seyithan Özaydın, Serdar Sander doi: 10.5222/iksst.2016.174 Pages 174 - 177 The air guns are sold without any restriction since these weapons are not accepted as firearm, however life threatening injuries may occur when used by young children. In this study; in consideration of 4 year old female child who was wounded with an air gun used by 6 year old brother, we wanted to draw attention to this important issue. |
10. | A Rare Case Report: Lipoma in Uterine Cavity Nermin Gündüz, Onur Karaaslan doi: 10.5222/iksst.2016.178 Pages 178 - 181 A sixty- year- old postmenopausal female patient was admitted to our hospital with complaint of back pain. Upon detection of a polypoid mass lesion consistent with a benign neoplasm on ultrasound (US) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), office hysterescopic examination was performed which revealed 2 cm polypoid lesion with a fine stalk that was removed hysteroscopic resection. Macroscopically a 2x1,5x1 cm encapsulated mass lesion with a yellow-white colored lipomatous cross-section was observed. Microscopic examination revealed a neoplasm of mature adipocytes separated with fibrous septae containing capillary vessels giving it a lobulated appearance. Histochemical staining with Masson Trichrome dye showed blue –colored connective tissue and red blood vessel walls which established the diagnosis of of uterine lipoma. Since uterine lipomas are extremely rare, this case was presented in the light of literature. |
11. | Rhabdomyolysis Due to Hypothyroidism and Fenofibrate Use Kenan Çelik, Mehmet Ali Çıkrıkçıoğlu, Aykut Özmen, Cumali Karatoprak, Ayşegül Sakin, Mehmet Zorlu, Mustafa Çakirca, Muharrem Kıskaç doi: 10.5222/iksst.2016.182 Pages 182 - 185 Rhabdomyolysis is a clinical and biochemical syndrome seen as an outcome of many traumatic or non-traumatic diseases of the skeletal muscle. The etiological factors of rhabdomyolysis are trauma, ischemia, toxins, drugs, metabolic disorders, and infections. Fenofibrate is commonly used alone or in combination with statins in hypertriglyceridemia and diabetic dyslipidemia. In this manuscript we presented a rhabdomyolysis patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) and hypothyroidism who was also using levothyroxine and fenofibrate, but discontinued levothyroxine treatment one month ago and continued taking fenofibrate. |
12. | A Rare Case of Harlequin Ichthyosis with Isolated Oligohydramnios and Elevated Serum AFP Level Vedat Uğurel, Emrah Turhan, Mehmet Musa Aslan doi: 10.5222/iksst.2016.186 Pages 186 - 188 Harlequin ichthyosis, the most severe form of congenital ichthyosis, is a genetically transmitted rare disorder with a prevalance of 1: 300.000 at birth. Although there has been a dramatic improvement in neonatal intensive care and recent advancements in the treatment of this disease, most cases are lost during early neonatal period.. We present a case of Harlequin ichthyosis in the newborn of a 22 year-old otherwise healthy woman who gave birth due to acute fetal distress. There was no specific findings prenatally other than the isolated oligohydramnios and elevated maternal serum AFP levels.The patient gave birth to a newborn with the diagnosis of HI via cesarean section at gestational age of 36 weeks, and 5 days because of the development of acute fetal late-decelerations. |
13. | A Rare Cause of Nephrectomy in Children: Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis Sezen Ugan Atik, Duygu Acar, Nur Canpolat doi: 10.5222/iksst.2016.191 Pages 189 - 191 Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis is a rare form of chronic pyelonephritis which causes widespread kidney tissue destruction. Etiology of the disease is not fully known, but is thought to be caused from abnormal inflammatory response during urinary tract infections. The incidence is higher in girls. Abdominal pain and fever are the most common symptoms. Abdominal mass is detected in approximately half of the patients. Clinical and radiographic findings can mimic tumors. Here in, a 7-year-old male patient who had underwent total nephrectomy due to xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis and kidney stones was presented. |